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The Register of Trade Marks :-
For the purposes of this
Act, is record called the Register of Trade Marks shall be kept at the head
office of the Trade Marks Registry, wherein shall be entered trademarks with
the names, addresses and description of the proprietors, notifications of
assignment and transmissions, the names, addresses and descriptions of
registered users, conditions, limitations and such other matter relating to
registered trademarks as may be prescribed Logo Registration Bangalore.
Notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-section (1), it shall be lawful for the Registrar to keep the
records wholly or partly in computer floppies, diskettes or in any other
electronic form subject to such safeguards as may be prescribed Logo
Registration Coimbatore.Where such register is maintained wholly or partly on
computer under sub-section (2) any reference in this Act to entry in the
register shall be construed as the reference to any entry as maintained on
computer or in any other electronic form.No notice of any trust, express or
implied or constructive, shall be entered in the register and no such notice
shall be receivable by the Registrar Logo Registration Bangalore.
The register shall be kept under the
control and management of the Registrar.There shall be kept at each branch
office of the Trade Marks Registry a copy of the register and such of the other
documents mentioned in section 148 as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, direct.The Register of Trade Marks, both
Part A and Part B, existing at the commencement of this Act, shall be
incorporated in and form part of the register under this Act Logo Registration