Trademark Renewal in Bangalore
(1) An application for the Trademark Renewal in Bangalore shall be made in Form TM-12 and may be made at any time not more than six months before the expiration of the last registration of the trade mark.
(2) Such application for renewal may be filed by the person who is the proprietor of the registered trade mark or his agent.
(3) If the proprietor, as set forth in the application for renewal is not the same person or the same legal entity as the registered proprietor, continuity of title from the registered proprietor in whose name the last renewal was effected to the present owner shall be shown in the first instance by way of affidavit along with supporting chain of documents.
(4) The Registrar may accept an application for Trademark Renewal in Bangalore from the managing trustee, executors, administrators and the like, when supported by court order or other evidence of authority to act on behalf of the present proprietor.
Restoration and renewal of registration
An application for the restoration of a trade mark to the register and renewal of its registration under sub-area (4) of segment 25, will be made in Form TM-13 inside one year from the termination of the last enrollment of the exchange mark joined by the recommended expense. The Registrar will, while considering the solicitation for such reclamation and recharging have respect to the enthusiasm of other influenced people.
Notice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal of registration, a notice to that effect shall be sent to the registered proprietor and every registered user and the renewal or restoration and renewal shall be advertised in the Journal